Support Us

Thank you for considering a gift to our project. Your generosity is appreciated by all.
Ways to Donate
Your donations are very welcome. There are many ways to make a donation.
Donate securely online or please use one of the other options below.
If you would like to discuss making a donation to the reinstatement project in someone’s name, a bequest or making a donation from overseas please contact our Campaign Director, Carolyne Grant
Direct debit
Please deposit into our Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited bank account:
Please send your details (full name, email and address) to for a receipt.
All Donations over $5 may be tax deductible and a receipt will be issued to all New Zealand Taxpayers. We are registered as a charity under the Charities Act 2005, CC55705.
Donate in person
At Level 2, 77 Hereford Street, Christchurch. (Brother Building – above Therapy Café).

Today is a good day to say thank you…
Our journey to reinstatement relies on the support and generosity of many individuals, corporates, trusts and foundations.